Cookies & Opt-Out

A cookie is information placed on a visitor’s hard drive, in the form of a file, by the server of the site visited by this visitor. It contains, in particular, an identifier in the form of a string of characters, an expiration date, and the domain name of the server that placed it. Cookies allow BEYABLE to identify a visitor when they connect to a site and to collect information during their navigation. This information is collected by the company ATTUNEO and processed on servers in Europe under strict security and confidentiality conditions. Thanks to this information, BEYABLE provides clients with anonymous statistical data on site traffic, enabling them to improve the quality of their product and service offerings.

BEYABLE offers any visitor the possibility to block this collection of visit information on its clients’ sites. For that, the visitor must add the parameter #beyable-optout=1 at the end of the URL of the site for which they do not want BEYABLE cookies to be collected (for example :

Note: this option does not necessarily delete the cookies but prevents their collection and signals to BEYABLE not to contact its servers anymore. If the visitor clears their cookies, deletes the opt-out cookie, or changes their computer or browser, they will need to perform this operation again.